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Once I realised that being a cartographer was an actual job - I really wanted to work for the Met Office as it would combine my love of maps with a nerdy weather obsession.  I never did, but synoptic charts and weather data are still just the best!    "There's no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothes". 


These little panels are all inspired by the lines and symbols on a synoptic chart, alongside words and colours associated with weather. 

The cloth is COMPLETELY covered with machine stitch - there is no print or paint involved - and certainly no digitised computer stitching.  Every scrap of colour, every line, every word is sewn using an ordinary domestic sewing machine, with me doing the steering.  You can see a video of this process in the Gallery.

These are some of my favourites, but if you have a favourite weather saying that you would like me to use, please contact me about a commission.

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All images and text are the property of Alyssa Robinson

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